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Power vs Force Coaching

The Soft Music of Power

Our ability to have clear intuitive hits and to be able to trust them is key to experiencing flow.

“Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen.”

― Vernon Howard Edelbaum

Our ability to have clear intuitive hits and to be able to trust them is key to experiencing flow.
Often, when we are overthinking our lives due to the past and future thinking that comes from experiencing stress reactions, we may find ourselves blocking our creativity and intuition. In Additionally, our minds begin to create stories that do not serve us or those around us. We may find ourselves trying to force things to happen in our lives. Force,
control, coercion, is our way of dealing with fear, and insecurity that comes from our inability to deal with uncertainty.

When we can stop trying to control the future and learn to accept and live in the present moment, we step into our intuitive power. Being who we truly are, is powerful, effortless, and allows us to experience flow in the now. Force is a result of non-acceptance to what is. The fear that is created from this, will rob us of the joy and passion that comes from living an intuitive and meaningful life. When we can learn to accept ourselves and our life situations as is, we will be able to listen to our intuition, that is the soft music of our inner guidance.

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