Energy Leadership Assessment

Core energy (COR.E) is the energy that is the basis of thoughts, emotions, and actions that affect how we perceive ourselves, those around us and our world. It determines our level of consciousness, awareness, level of engagement and confidence.

Understanding what affects how we think, feel and act, is the starting point to transforming to a more effective way of being. The roles we play in life is not who we are but rather what we do.

Our performance in those roles are affected by our ability to manage tension in the body, anxiety in the mind, and our level of engagement at any given time.

The Energy Index Assessment is an online 84 question assessment that is not a personality assessment but rather an attitude towards life in general assessment. It is followed be a 90 min online zoom debrief of the comprehensive report.

In the debrief, we learn about the different 7 levels on energy that determine our level of consciousness, awareness and engagement. What energy blocks we may have and why our performance suffers under stress reactions.

By the end of the debrief you get a clear understanding of what being in the flow or the zone truly is. In addition, clarity as to how your thinking or life situations may be creating stress for.

Finally, you will get a clear, understandable plan on how to become the most effective person that you were born to be.

How I work clients to help them reach their potential

This is the before and after ELI satisfaction page, of Daniel Steinkey after 6 months of working together on a weekly basis.

Daniel Steinkey – Owner of Steinkey Financial Services and Effective Family Man
Financial Success
Moderately Dissatisfied
Leadership Ability
Very Satisfied
Working Relationship
Very Satisfied
Family Relationship
Moderately Dissatisfied
Intimate Relationship
Moderately Dissatisfied
Level of Engagement at Work
Very Satisfied
Feeling of Personal Freedom
Very Dissatisfied
Communication Skills
Very Satisfied
Completely Dissatisfied
Time Management
Moderately Satisfied
Work/Life Balance
Completely Dissatisfied
Health and Wellness
Very Dissatisfied
Energy Level
Moderately Dissatisfied
Spiritual Connection
Moderately Satisfied
Financial Success
Very Satisfied
Leadership Ability
Very Satisfied
Working Relationship
Completely Satisfied
Family Relationship
Very Satisfied
Intimate Relationship
Very Satisfied
Level of Engagement at Work
Very Satisfied
Feeling of Personal Freedom
Completely Satisfied
Communication Skills
Completely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Time Management
Moderately Satisfied
Work/Life Balance
Very Satisfied
Health and Wellness
Very Satisfied
Energy Level
Very Satisfied
Spiritual Connection
Very Satisfied


Insurance Broker

This is the before and after ELI satisfaction page, of Theresa Wirth after 6 months of working together on a weekly basis.

“Since working with Walter, my quality of life has improved., because I am able to think differently about myself and my life…the coaching has opened up the possibility that I am enough in every aspect of my life…I have a sense of freedom in my thoughts and life in general; I have less fear and can handle anything that comes my way”

Financial Success
Moderately Satisfied
Leadership Ability
Moderately Dissastisfied
Working Relationship
Moderately Satisfied
Family Relationship
Very Dissatisfied
Intimate Relationship
Moderately Dissatisfied
Level of Engagement at Work
Moderately Dissatisfied
Feeling of Personal Freedom
Moderately Satisfied
Communication Skills
Moderately Satisfied
Moderately Dissatisfied
Time Management
Moderately Dissatisfied
Work/Life Balance
Moderately Dissatisfied
Health and Wellness
Moderately Dissatisfied
Energy Level
Moderately Dissatisfied
Spiritual Connection
Moderately Dissatisfied
Financial Success
Very Satisfied
Leadership Ability
Very Satisfied
Working Relationship
Very Satisfied
Family Relationship
Very Satisfied
Intimate Relationship
Very Satisfied
Level of Engagement at Work
Very Satisfied
Feeling of Personal Freedom
Completely Satisfied
Communication Skills
Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Time Management
Moderately Satisfied
Work/Life Balance
Very Satisfied
Health and Wellness
Very Satisfied
Energy Level
Very Satisfied
Spiritual Connection
Moderately Satisfied