Power vs Force Coaching

Power vs Force Coaching

7 Characteristics of a 7th Level Energy Hockey Player

“It’s not just playing the game that is important, it's about being the game” - Walter Aguilar

Energy is the foundation of high performance. The higher the energy the higher level of consciousness, awareness, engagement, and confidence. A 7th level energy hockey player is an athlete who exhibits a mindfulness mindset, excellent self, and outer awareness. It is a result of a high level of consciousness, not necessarily just a high skill level. This means, that any hockey player can become one, regardless of their current skill level.

Mindfulness refers to a state of “being fully present in the present moment, with full acceptance and without judgement or labels.” It is the state of being where access to the sport’s “zone” occurs. It is where access to knowledge, skills, and talents, along with expanded connection to creativity and intuition. The player is no longer just playing the game, but rather experiences becoming the game.

The following are seven characteristics that a 7th Level Energy hockey player embodies. A 7th level player:

  1. Is confident, creates the emotion of certainty and does not lose that confidence regardless of a negative play, missed opportunity or any result.
  2. Is focused, joyful, fully engaged, and powerful. Jumps on and maximizes opportunities in the moment.
  3. Lives the process of mastery; always learning and growing. Does not make mistakes but sees the opportunity in every perceived setback or error.
  4. Understands that success is a process not an outcome. Practices awareness, acceptance and conscious choice making.
  5. Is passionate, does not blame others but is accountable for what they have control over.
  6. Is an inspiration to their teammates and coaches. Is teachable, coachable; embodies excellence and walks the talk.
  7. Has a deep awareness and understanding, of how their thoughts and feelings affect their energy in any given moment. They are unshakeable and resilient.

With the very competitive nature of hockey, any and every competitive advantage is sought out. An effective mindset that creates excellence in inner and outer awareness, is key. There is an emerging understanding that a strong mindset is essential to a player performing at their best. As a player can become aware of the energy they show up in any given moment, they can prepare to become the game changer. High level performances will be more consistent as they develop a success formula for hockey and life.

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